I love Adobe Capture, and now you can access it from Animate CC.
No doubt we’ll get addicted to it very soon, now that we can play with it within the software itself. New access to the huge Adobe Stock library is a really cool feature too. Any tool that helps us disseminate and control assets is highly valuable. Our artists are spread around the world, so the promise of being able to share assets over the cloud, across devices is huge. The first thing that will jump out at animators is that there are many changes, some of which have a big impact on companies like ours. My team at Titmouse has been using older versions of Flash Professional, so the fact that Animate CC ran faster and saved quicker caused our artists here to do a little dance of joy. It’s light on its feet, taking you directly to the art with the least amount of red tape. That’s why Animate CC is so great: it is a very fast program. Animators spend a lot of time every day massaging their computers and their software, shaving seconds off every function. Flash Professional was one of the of the fastest animation softwares on the market and that’s why we used it. The number one thing for us is speed: it is a big deal for us. Flash Professional was the standard for creating animations at Titmouse for digital platforms, and now Animate CC is taking things one big step forward. I had big hopes for Animate CC’s new tools, and I can safely say they have not disappointed me. We like to give our team the best technology to enable their creativity. At Titmouse, making cartoons is a labor of love. I’ve been using Flash for the past 12 years, so it’s safe to say Adobe’s new reboot of the animation tool has been a big source of excitement for me.